For one whole year, my son fussed during car rides. He cried and screamed no matter how short the trip was. 

Going anywhere gave me so much anxiety that I honestly tried to stay home as much as possible.

A lot of moms can take car rides to help their baby fall asleep but that was NEVER the case for me. Emmett hated being in the car since day one and months went by before I found anything that calmed him down.

And although he still fussed, I did learn some pretty handy tricks that I feel I should share with other mamas who might be dreading car rides like I used to.

Rear Facing Car Seat Mirror 

First and foremost, always make sure your mirror is secure and shatterproof. You don’t want it falling on your baby. 

I also had one that was lightweight just in case it did ever fall. 

Emmett didn’t show much interest in the mirror but it allowed me to see if he was actually having a meltdown or if he was just being over dramatic.

If he was having a meltdown, I would pull over to calm him. Which brings me to number two…

Pull Over To Calm Baby 

Sometimes younger babies get themselves all choked up and start hyperventilating and can’t soothe themselves. 

In times like these, you may need to pull over and take your baby out of their car seat and calm them down or even rock them to sleep before putting them back in their seat. I’ve been there! 

As a friendly reminder, if you have to pull over, make sure it’s somewhere public and safe and always keep your doors locked! 

I was always able to lock the doors as soon as I parked and climb in the back with Emmett without ever getting out of the car! 


It’s a good idea to keep a few toys in your car so you can swap them during the ride if need be. Try to keep them nearby so you can reach them if you need to hand one to your baby. 

Please do not take your eyes off the road but rather hand your baby a new toy when you’re parked or at a stoplight. 

Make sure you pick soft or squishy toys that won’t hurt your baby if thrown at them, in the event of an accident. 

Stuffed Animal Night Light

These cute projector toys are perfect for little ones who hate taking trips at night. 

Not only do these little guys project light but they also play melodies and baby lullabies. 

Between the shapes, colors and music, Emmett was left calm, collected and mesmerized! 

Baby Shusher 

Funny story, while my mom was out thrifting she came across this small noise machine labeled “Baby Shusher”. She thought it was hilarious and bought it for me and gave it to me as a joke! But get this….while we were playing with it Emmett instantly fell asleep in his dad’s lap!

It was hard for me to believe too! I have never seen Emmett fall asleep so quickly! I immediately looked it up and sure enough it’s the real deal! 

This portable “Baby Shusher” worked like a charm and became another must have for car rides and outings. Even though mine was a gift, I would 100% buy another one if something ever happened to mine. 

It is heavier than most small toys so I recommend leaving it upfront with you. But you could also put it in the middle console and still be able to hear it! 


If your child doesn’t already take a pacifier, offering them one probably won’t calm them down. 

But if they do, then never leave the house without one! Use it to soothe them in the car when you know they’re probably fighting sleep. Or lets be honest, hungry and you’re just trying to make it home to feed them. 

Emmett no longer takes a paci even though it was a diaper bag essential for months (check out How To Pack Your Diaper Bag Like A Minimalist). But when he did I could easily reach back and hand it to him during car rides. When he got old enough to throw his paci, I quickly learned the need for a paci clip! 

Roll Your Windows Down 

On warm breezy days when you’re out and about, try cracking your back window to allow the wind to act as a noise machine that will hopefully soothe your baby. 

When I was close to having a mental breakdown I would roll my window down to block out the constant screaming of my child. 

Keep in mind that the pressure from the front window, if rolled all the way down, can cause your child’s ears to throb. 

Car Window Shades 

If you get the chance, take a peek at your child while you’re driving around and see if the sun is what’s bothering them. 

Car window shades are great for keeping the sunlight out of your child’s eyes, but they’re also great for keeping your child cool. 

While you might think the AC is keeping your little one cool, the sun might be making them hot. Think about all the times you rode in the back or passenger seat during long trips and the sun was beaming down on your leg. It was hot right? 

This could very well be happening to your baby and you didn’t even notice! Don’t feel bad, buy a car window shade! 

I got one for my baby shower and it covered half of my window. So make sure to buy one that is the correct measurement. Or you can buy one like the one above that stretches to fit your window. 

Have Someone Sit Next To Baby 

If you have the option, the most obvious way to calm your baby during a car ride is to have someone sit next to them. 

This way they have someone to play with and can be offered a bottle. I know some mamas that have been able to breastfeed with their little one in the car seat! If you can, more power to you! I wish I could’ve! 

Let Baby Stretch

Driving to the beach or taking long trips to see family can be a headache if you have a crying baby on board. Expect the trip to take longer and make stops to let your baby get out of the car and stretch. 

We get uncomfortable and get out to stretch our legs, so why would you leave a baby in their car seat for 4+ hours? You wouldn’t! 

Make a stop every hour or two if your baby is awake and let them play. Get them out, let them breathe in some fresh air and have a snack. Then get back on the road when they’ve burnt off some energy. 

Leave At Night

If you’re able to, I suggest leaving at night for long car rides. It doesn’t have to be too late, it just needs to be when your child goes to bed. 

We took a semi long trip when Emmett was about four months old. We knew how much he hated the car, so we decided to leave at 8 p.m. What would have probably been a 6 hour drive, took only 4 hours because Emmett slept the entire time! 

Although we arrived much later than everyone else, we spent way less time in the car. 

As always, I appreciate every single one of you for reading my posts! I hope I’m able to help a mama in need!

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